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SAP MM Storage Location Missing in MD04 Result?


Today I received a ticket from business team, a user reported that there is no 'storage location' field displayed in MD04 result for one material. He said when he run MD04 earlier to check stock availability for other material , he could see storage location information next to available quantity column but now it is missing.

I checked this issue and tested MD04 result using different materials. Got some information.

1,MD04 for 11001622/GENL

SAP MM Storage Location Missing in MD04 Result?

The storage location was not displayed.

Check the sales order 10002347,

SAP MM Storage Location Missing in MD04 Result?

There is no value for the field of 'storage location' in this sales order.

If user maintain a value of storage location in this sales order, then he will see the storage location displayed in MD04 result of this material.

2),MD04 for 10000018/GENL

SAP MM Storage Location Missing in MD04 Result?

The storage location was displayed.

See the sales order 18000239,

SAP MM Storage Location Missing in MD04 Result?

There is a value for the field of 'storage location' in this sales order.

3)The md04 result for 10000026/GENL,

SAP MM Storage Location Missing in MD04 Result?

We can that MD04 displays more field, 'supply/receiving plant', since there are STO document such as 4600000445 and 4600001496, the value of storage location was maintained in those STO documents,

SAP MM Storage Location Missing in MD04 Result?

SAP MM Storage Location Missing in MD04 Result?

Then we also can see the storage location in MD04 screen for this material.

3)So we can say that the layout of MD04 list is dynamic adjusted automatically according to different transaction data.

2019-04-28 write in Suzhou.

